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home · Dirk Wetter

Dirk Wetter's Curriculum

More than 25 years ago I was hauled by a friend to our school in the "Großen Kolonnenweg" in Hanover. It turned out to be a fortunate coincidence for my further life.

Manfred Steiner was my first instructor of the Kai Sai Kungfu/Internal Martial Arts which was the former name of our Kung Fu. Besides James Cravens Manfred was the only student of the founder of our style: Christopher G. Casey (Kai Sai).

The atmosphere was in an enjoyable way tough but cordial. During that period I learnt a lot of martial art techniques – externals as well as internal ones. For my path of life I've taken also some mental and philosophical experiences with me, not only with respect to martial arts.
  Some years later Manfred Steiner passed the school to Detlef Zimmermann, himself being a long time student of Manfred Steiner. Detlef continued to teach me and the other students with lots of patience and "smiles". It was the time where I really got what the first word in Internal Martial Arts meant. An interest for T'ai Chi Ch'uan sprouted. I was studying it with much advertence, so that I finally knew what the missing piece of the puzzle named "Internal Martial Arts" was.
  After some time I was ready to pass my knowledge and my understanding of what I've learnt to students, first in Hanover. Detlef supported me in this. Changes in my profession and as a consequence in life made me, after a detour through the US, eventually settle in Hamburg.

Today my focus is on the internal aspects of self defense and their physical explanation of the body mechanics that accompany them.

I am not a fulltime instructor (I have a main profession). I just believe to pass the fantastic martial art what I learnt and instruct students my individual understanding of Chinese Boxing.

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