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- ➙ Idea
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- ➙ Fees
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- About CB:
- ➙ What is CB?
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- Instructors:
- ➙ Dirk Wetter
- ➙ Eric Metz (former)
- Further CBII schools:
- ➙ Hanover/Germany
- ➙ Florida/USA
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Of interest
Books, worth reading (a selection)
Martial Arts:
- Chen Man Ch'ing — 13 Kapitel zu T'ai Chi Ch'uan
- Wolfe Lowenthal — There Are No Secrets
- James Cravens — Chinese Boxing Synthesis
- Robert W. Smith — Chinese Boxing, Masters and Methods
Nutrition and Fitness:
- Eberhard Schneider — Krafttraining für Kungfu und Karate (no English version a/v)
- Fitness Stretching (Mind • Body • Spirit)
- V.+W Klitschko — Unser Fitnessbuch (no English version a/v)